
The School Day

Our school day runs from 8.45am until 3.15pm
  • Soft start from 8:30. All children must be in school for 8:45. The school gates will close at 8:45am, after this time families will need to register through the main office.  
  • Pick-up arrangements - Children will be picked up at the front of the school at 3.15pm. 
  • In a typical week St John's Church of England Academy is open for 6 hours and 30 minutes each day. This is 32.5 hours a week.
The structure of our day is generally as follows:
8:45    Register with walk-in activity
9:00    Core Subjects
10:30   Break
10:45   Core Subjects
11:50   Lunch for Reception
12.00   Lunch for KS1
12.10   Lunch for KS2
KS1 12:50pm/KS2 1:00pm Afternoon session commences: This time is used for Foundation Subjects. A range of interventions also take place in the afternoons.
Whole school Collective Worship takes place on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 9.00am.
Class Collective Worship takes place on a Wednesday at a time that suits the class.
Friday is whole school Celebration Worship at 2.45pm.
                  Perseverance          Respect          Forgiveness          Truth          Aspiration